A student had spent all his money, so he called his mother from college and asked if she could send him some. “Of course, I’ll send...
Two old men were fishing off a bridge as they had done daily for many years. Suddenly a funeral procession came down the road. The one...
A retired gentleman went to the social security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked him for his driver’s license to...
A woman goes to the doctor with a black eye, and really looking rough. The doc says, “What happened?” The woman replies, “Every time my husband...
Little Johnny is excited because the circus has come to town and his mum has got front row tickets for him. Finally the evening comes and...
Little Mary was not the best student in Sunday school. Usually she slept through the class. One day the teacher called on her while she was...
A Hunter walking through the jungle found a huge dead elephant with a pigmy standing beside it. Amazed, he asked: “Did you kill that?” The pigmy...
The 6th grade science teacher, Mrs. Nick, asked her class, “Which human body part increases to 10 times its size when stimulated?” No one answered until...
An old man who loves to fish, was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, “Pick me up.” He looked...
70 year-old Mrs Potts went to the doctor for her annual check up. He told her she needed more activity and recommended make love three times...