A little boy walked up to home-plate in an empty baseball field, with his bat and ball in hand. As he threw the ball up in...
A man joins a big corporate empire as a trainee. On his very first day of work, he dials the pantry and shouts into the phone,...
The 6th grade science teacher, Mrs. Parks, asked her class, “Which human body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?” No one answered until...
An elderly man in Phoenix calls his son in New York and says, “I hate to ruin your day, but I have to tell you that...
Bill worked in a pickle factory. He had been employed there for many years when he came home one day to confess to his wife that...
Manny is almost 29 years old. His friends have already gotten married, but Manny still just dates and dates. Finally, a friend asks him, “What’s the...
Harry was shipwrecked on a deserted island. For several months, he longed for someone to talk to; searched the horizons for even the suggestion of a...
2 women were playing golf. On the third hole there was a 4 men in front of them but about 175 yards down the fairway. The...
Six-year-old Angie and her four-year-old brother Joel were sitting together in church. Joel giggled, sang, and talked out loud. Finally, his big sister had enough of...
The new associate pastor, nervous about hearing confessions asks an older priest to listen in. Several penitents later, his mentor offers a few suggestions. “Cross your...