A guy enters a bar carrying an alligator. He says to the other patrons, “Here’s the deal. I’ll open this alligator’s mouth and insert my genitals....
3 sailors get stranded on an island and get captured by a cannibal gang The sailors plead with the king to spare their lives so the...
There was once a man who was looking to create a new idiom. He was having trouble thinking of one, so he decided to look around...
A lady goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot. One particular parrot is extremely cheap. She asks the pet shop owner why. The owner...
A guy visits a carnival and amongst the merry-go-rounds, vendors and performers he spots a man with a tiny pony. He walks up to the man...
A man whose wife was pregnant couldn’t bear to be in the delivery room at the time of the birth. So he thought he’d ring up...
Three ducks went to court after being arrested When the judge calls upon the first duck, he asks him, “what’s your name?” The duck responds, “Quack.”...
In a neighbourhood, there was a brothel closing down and selling or giving away furniture. Alongside the furniture was a parrot that was left behind, which...
I wanted to pick up a few more tennis balls before meeting my friend for game. The club house had a bin of slightly used balls...
A kangaroo at the zoo kept getting out of his enclosure every night. Knowing that mature kangaroos could hop very high, the zoo officials replaced the...