Two cannibals were walling down the street. They were going to meet with all the other cannibals in their village, but as they’re walking together, one...
Some scientists created a machine that automatically counts people’s swears when it’s near them, the machine was a big circle with arrows in the middle that...
An ant is lying in its deathbed in North Korea. He calls his son and says he wanted to tell him something for a long time....
A man goes to the circus and sees a line of people. A man goes to the circus and sees a line of people. It extends...
A preacher, a lawyer, and a doctor all do deer hunting. They go for a few hours without seeing anything, and then they all spot an...
A wife is running in the park And takes a break to stretch near two men. As she’s stretching, a beautiful woman passes all three of...
The $50 Cruise A man sees an ad for a $50 cruise on Craigslist. Despite his better judgement, he grabs some cash and makes his way...
Three men attend a job interview to join the FBI. The first man walked into the office, and the FBI agent who was conducting the interview...
Four freshman partied too hard during a music festival and unable to make it back for their final exam the next day As they drove back...
Ole and Sven are invited to a costume party with their girlfriends. The party invitation says to come dressed as an emotion. After a day of...