An estranged father take his teenage daughter on a vacation to reconnect with her after her mother passed away The two check into the resort hotel...
A pregnant woman walking across the street is caught in a firefight between cops and some bank robbers She’s hit three times in the abdomen and...
A woman goes into a store to buy a fishing rod and reel. She doesn’t know which one to get so she just grabs one and...
A woman had twin boys Unfortunately, she was unable to keep them, so she put them up for adoption. She was able to find loving homes...
So my mom decided to sell her house, but she’d always promised she’d get the boulder out of her front yard. It was an eyesore, but...
A man’s walking home late at night when he sees a woman in the shadows. A man’s walking home late at night when he sees a...
Three Engineers are Discussing God The structural engineer says “I think God must’ve been a structural engineer. The musculoskeletal system is perfectly designed to allow us...
A professor, a CEO, and a janitor are in a forest when they discover a magic fairy The fairy says “I will give you what you...
3 vampire brothers want to see who is the strongest The first brother flies off at 100mph and comes back 10 minutes later. His mouth was...
Two drunks are talking in a bar… The first one says “You know what’s weird about city hall? When they built it they didn’t take into...