The real estate boss got a hot new secretary. Afraid of mating harassment issues he held himself off for a week, but finally overcome with lust,...
A man is driving down a country road, when he spots a farmer standing in the middle of a huge field of grass. He pulls the...
Two elderly women were fussing about their husbands over tea one day. “I do wish my Leroy would stop biting his nails. That makes me terribly...
A pastor concluded that his church was getting into very serious financial troubles. While checking the church storeroom, he discovered several boxes of new Bibles that...
A woman went to see her psychiatrist. “I’m really concerned,” she said. “The other day I found my daughter and the little boy next door together,...
Sherry lost her husband almost four years ago and still hasn’t gotten out of her mourning stage. Her daughter constantly urges her to get back into...
One day, a guy went into a store, just browsing. He suddenly saw a statue of a rat made of bronze, and thought that it was...
Two hunters are walking through a forest looking for deer. When all of a sudden, a giant bear jumps out and scares the shit out of...
A red-faced judge convened court after a long lunch. The first case involved a man charged with drunk driving who claimed it simply wasn’t true. “I’m...
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She reduced altitude and spotted a man below. She descended a bit more and shouted:...