One day Bill Clinton was out jogging and accidentally fell from a bridge into a very cold river. Three boys, playing along the river, saw the...
Two prisoners are talking about their crimes: George: ‘I robbed a bank, and they gave me 20 years’ Herman: ‘Hmm. I killed a man, and I’m...
A new monk arrived at the monastery. He was assigned to help the other monks in copying the old texts by hand. He noticed however, that...
A very shy guy goes into a bar and sees a beautiful woman sitting at the bar. After an hour of gathering up his courage he...
A drunk phoned the police to report that thieves had broken in to his car. “They’ve stolen the dashboard, steering wheel, break pedal, even the accelerator,”...
An woman entered a large furniture store and was greeted by a much younger salesman. “Is there something in particular I can show you?” he asked....
A man sits down at a bar and orders a double martini. After he finishes, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, then orders another. After he...
A police officer sees a man driving around with a pickup truck full of penguins. He pulls the guy over and says, “You can’t drive around...
A Western Buddhist woman was in India, studying with her teacher. She was riding with another woman friend in a rickshaw like carriage, when they were...
A police officer was investigating an accident on a two-lane, narrow road in which the drivers had hit virtually head-on. One driver, an extremely elderly woman,...