Two blondes were working on a house. The one who was nailing down siding would reach into her nail pouch, pull out a nail and either...
A Florida officer pulls over an eighty-six-year-old blonde woman because her hand signals were confusing. “First you put your hand up, like you’re turning right, then...
A blonde went to her doctor and said, “You prescribed birth control pills for me.” “And how is it going?” he asked. “Okay, I think, but...
A man goes into a restaurant and is seated. All the waitresses are gorgeous. A particularly voluptuous waitress wearing a very short skirt and legs that...
A guy comes walking into a bar with a turtle in his hand. The turtle’s one eye is black and blue, two of his legs are...
The Wine Taster At An Old Vineyard Died. A Homeless Guy, Looking Ragged And Dirty, Came To Apply. He Persuaded The Manager To Give Him A...
My uncle Jim is getting older, and he’s having trouble with his memory. So he went to his doctor, and he started taking these pills to...
A ventriloquist is performing and makes a blonde joke. A blonde woman in the audience is offended and says “How does my hair color affect my...
An old lady dies and goes to heaven. She’s chatting it up with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates when all of a sudden she hears...
A motorcycle officer stopped a man who ran a red light. The guy was a real jerk, demanding, “Why am I being harassed by the Gestapo?!”...