An elderly man and his wife are losing their memory An elderly man and his wife are losing their memory. Fearful that they may be developing...
A Texas State trooper pulled a car over about 2 miles south of Waco Texas. When the trooper asked the driver why he was speeding, the...
A rather virtuous young couple marry. The soon-to-be lovers fly immediately after the ceremony to Toronto for their Honeymoon. After a wet (or at least slightly...
Two immigrants are on a ship heading to America. One asks the other, “What is the first thing you are going to do when you get...
A boy and his dad are walking through the park During the walk the boy sees two men dressed as cowboys saunter by. ‘Dad, look at...
Rich, Dave and Johnny are three contractors who are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House. All three go with a White House...
A hideous little orc is in the kingdom’s capital, looking to acquire medicine for his sick mom. Nobody can stand the sight of him, with some...
Haggling over a pricing structure with Dwayne Johnson Dwayne Johnson recently came to the arts and crafts store I own looking to buy equipment for the...
A scientist is asked by the government to create the first teleporter. Knowing that this will be an incredibly hard task, the scientist devotes every day...
3 Archers are competing at a contest to find out which one of them is the best archer. Thunderous applause. thousands of people watching. The first...