There was this boy called James that came from a very poor family and as such, he never wanted to go into debt of any kind....
A man is talking to a local at the pub. He goes and introduces himself. The man then turns to the local and asks, “Have you...
A guy finds his dog with the neighbor’s pet rabbit in its mouth. The rabbit is dead and the guy panics. He takes the dirty, chewed...
A teacher is going over farming tools with an inner-city class who’d never seen them. “Children, does anybody know what this is?” Little girl puts up...
A restaurant manager is closing up for the night… …when he notices a man, disheveled and looking rather worse for wear, standing outside, tapping on the...
A husband and wife were out playing golf. They tee off and one drive goes to the right and one drive goes to the left ....
Three men are walking in a desert when they stumble across a wizard next to a magical slide ‘Slide down this ride shout out the name...
After intense partying with their friends, brother and sister got back home late at night… Dad yells, ‘It’s two days to the exams and where on...
A man applies for a job with the FBI. The interviewer says: “Everything looks good, we just have one test to prove that you’ll take on...
A young recruit goes to the military office and says he wants to enlist. Both officers laugh at him and insist he is not a good...