A nun and a priest were traveling across the desert and realized halfway across that the camel they were using for transportation was about to die....
A tour bus driver is driving with a bus full of old aged pensioners when he is tapped on his shoulder by a little old lady....
Ole was to learn skydiving. He was told that shortly after jumping out of the plane he was to pull the short rip cord and that...
A man goes to visit his 85-year-old grandpa in the hospital. “How are you grandpa?” he asks. “Feeling fine,” says the old man. “What’s the food...
A Texan bought a round of drinks for all in the bar and announced that his wife had just produced a typical Texas baby, weighing a...
A Scout Master was teaching his boy scouts about survival in the desert. “What are the three most important things you should bring with you in...
One day, a blonde’s neighbor goes over to her house, sees the blonde crying, and asks her what happened. The blonde said that her mother had...
Two hunters went moose hunting every winter without success. Finally, they came up with a foolproof plan. They got a very authentic female moose costume and...
An elderly woman from Brooklyn decided to prepare her will and make her final requests. She told her rabbi she had two final requests. First, she...
One day Mr. Phillard was laying down on his bed until his wife screamed, ‘Oww! I’m having labor pains!’ So Mr. Phillard rushed his wife over...