One day a king stepped out of the gates of his palace and found a man standing there. The man had a plump chicken in his...
Two old Jewish men, Sid and Abe, are sitting in a Mexican restaurant one day. Sid asks Abe, “Do you know if any people of our...
The Japanese have always loved fresh fish. But the water close to Japan has not held many fishes for decades. So to feed the Japanese population,...
A circus owner ran an ad for a lion tamer, and two young people showed up. One was a good-looking lad in his mid-twenties, and the...
Hodja had a dream. A man knocked at his door and asked if he could spend the night in his house. He said he would pay...
Two cowboys come upon an Indian lying on his stomach with his ear to the ground. One of the cowboys stops and says to the other,...
The late king of a known Kingdom had ten wild dogs. He used them to torture and eat any of his servants who made a mistake....
A frog telephoned the Psychic Hotline and was told, “You are going to meet a beautiful young woman who will want to know everything about you.”...
A disciple asked Hejasi: I want to know what is the most funny thing about human beings. Hejasi said: That they always think crooked: they’re in...
An old man gets on a crowded bus and no one gives him a seat. As the bus shakes and rattles, the old man’s cane slips...