The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting him into the box. “There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil,...
Two old man, Abe and Sol, sit on a park bench feeding pigeons and talking about baseball. Abe turns to Sol and asks, “Do you think...
The pastor stood before the congregation and said; “I have bad news, I have good news, and I have more bad news.” The congregation got quiet....
An Englishman, A Scotsman and an Irishman they run into a bar and say to the bartender “quick, we need somewhere to hide, there’s a man...
Melissa went up to her college professor, ready to contest the grade she received in the class. “I don’t understand why my grade was so low....
John was a loyal choir member, but he could not carry a tune. To make things worse, he sang loud and made others sing off key....
“Don’t be afraid of the dog,” said the lady to Little Johnny, who was delivering her groceries. “You know the old proverb, ‘A barking dog never...
Jones took his nymphomaniac wife to the doctor for treatment. “This is one hot potato of a lady, doctor, ” he said. “Maybe you can do...
A teenager has a crush on a girl, and decides to ask her to the prom. The girls accepts, and the boy is over the moon....
The old man walks into a bar and sits down and orders a beer. The bartender serves his beer then asks him, “So what do you...