A husband is at home watching a football game when his wife interrupts, “Honey, could you fix the light in the hallway? It’s been flickering for...
An older man was married to a younger woman. After several years of a very happy marriage, he had a heart attack. The doctor advised him...
A man traveling by train asks the ticket collector what time the train stops at Victoria. “Sir, we don’t stop at Victoria.” “But I have to...
A couple who’d been married for over 50 years was sitting on the sofa, when the wife said, “Dear, do you remember how you used to...
Bubba and Earl were in the local bar enjoying a beer when the decided to get in on the weekly charity raffle. They bought five tickets...
A mother was walking down the hall when she heard a humming sound coming from her daughter’s bedroom. When she opened the door she found her...
A wife is having lovemaking with her husband’s best friend one day. Soon the phone rings, so she answers it. “Yes… uh, huh… OK… yes… bye.”...
A married man goes into a confessional and says to his priest “I had an affair with a woman… almost.” The priest says, “What do you...
Little Johnny was eating breakfast one morning and got to thinking about things. “Mommy, why has daddy got so few hairs on his head?” he asked...
An old man and his wife went to the doctor’s office and the doctor asked the man for a blood, urine, and feces sample. The old...