Clean Jokes
The Smartest Teacher

An art teacher, a math teacher, and a science teacher are all arguing over which one of them is the smartest.
The art teacher shows the others a giant clay sculpture of a dog he made.
“This thing took me nearly a month to make.” He said. “Clearly this proves that I’m the smartest.”
The math teacher just laughs at him. “That’s nothing” she says.
She then pulls out a huge 1’000 question math test which she took, and the score shows that she got them all right.
“It took me two months to do this, and I got them all right on the first try!!”
“Oh you make me laugh” the science teacher says.
He then pulls out a robot that he built which can do laundry, walk the dog, and shoot lasers out of its eyes.
“Took me three months to build this beauty, watch and weep…”
Then the gym teacher comes laughing at all three of them.
“You’re all idiots” He says. “Clearly I’m the smartest of you guys.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” The science teacher says.
“Because I didn’t have to do any of that, and I still get paid the same as you!”