Funny Jokes
A drunken old man walked into a bar

A drunken old man walked into a bar.
He yells at the bartender, “Bartender get me a tequila!”
The bartender gets him a tequila.
The old man drinks it as fast as he can.
Then he looks around the bar and sees three large men at a table having some beers.
He points at one of them and says “You! I have slept with your mother!”
The man looks at the old man then goes about drinking his beer.
Then the old man yells “Bartender! Get me another tequila!”
The bartender gets him another tequila.
The old man drinks it as fast as he can.
Then he looks over at the three men.
He points at another man and shouts,
“You! Your mother gives me a blow job!”
The second man looks at the old man, then goes about drinking his beer.
Then the old man yells “Bartender! Get me another tequila!”
This time the bartender says “No, old man, you have had enough.”
“Just one more!!” yells the old man.
So the bartender gets him one more tequila.
The old man drinks it as fast as he can.
Then looks at the three men.
He points at the third man and shouts,
“You! I eat out your mother!”
The third man looks at the old man then looks at the other two men.
All three of them get up and start walking over to the old man.
Then they say “Come on dad, you have had too much to drink…”