Funny Jokes
A man had the worst day of his life

A man had the worst day of his life, so he decided to go to the new bar…
the bar was located on the roof of one of the tallest buildings in the city, the man sat down, and told the bartender all his problems,
how he had lost his job, his wife cheated on him, everything.
He drank for hours, almost until it was closing time.
There was another man who had been listening from across the bar, he came over and told him;
“You should try this drink they have, it’ll make you fly”
Obviously, the guy didnt beleive him.
“No, Im serious. Bartender, give me one of those special drinks.”
The bartender just shook his head, but handed him the drink, which he downed,
ran across the floor, jumped over the edge of the building, flew around, and landed back at the bar.
The man was shocked. “Bartender! give me one of those drinks!” The man downed the drink, ran across the floor, jumped over the edge and died.
the bartender shook his head and sighed;
“Youre a dick Superman.