Funny Jokes
Two women were playing a round of golf

Two women were playing a round of golf.
One of them teed off and watched in shock as her ball flew straight toward a group of men playing on the next h*le.
The ball struck one of the men, who instantly grabbed his groin, collapsed to the ground, and writhed in pain.
The woman hurried over, deeply apologetic.
“Please let me help you. I’m a physiotherapist, and I know I can alleviate your pain if you let me.”
“Oh no, I’ll be fine in a few minutes,” the man managed to say, though he was clearly in agony, curled up in the fetal position and clutching his groin.
After some insistence from her, he finally agreed to let her help.
She gently moved his hands aside, loosened his pants, and placed her hands inside.
She skillfully massaged the area for a few moments and then asked, “How does that feel?”
“Feels amazing,” he replied, “but I’m pretty sure my thumb is still broken!”