A MAN was driving down the road and ran out of petrol. At that moment, a bee flew in his window. “What seems to be the...
A devoted wife had spent her lifetime taking care of her husband. Now he had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months,...
A broke and depressed guy is looking for a job. He finds an ad in the paper that says “If you want to succeed be at...
Jane was waiting for Sam to return from an outing with his boss. Around 6:30 p.m., she began to worry. Sam finally stumbled in around 8pm,...
A student visits her teacher’s office before finals An attractive university student visits her young professor’s office after hours. Seeing he is still working, she walks...
A group of kindergartners were trying to become accustomed to the first grade. The biggest hurdle they faced was that the teacher insisted on no baby...
A guy and his wife go golfing. They’re about halfway through the game when the husband slices a shot for the green and drops his ball...
A couple of years ago, one night, I was about to propose to my girlfriend when my roommate Joseph barged into the room out of nowhere,...
There was this boy called James that came from a very poor family and as such, he never wanted to go into debt of any kind....
A man is talking to a local at the pub. He goes and introduces himself. The man then turns to the local and asks, “Have you...
There are 2 different approaches for each make love. For Males OBSERVATIONS the eyes deviate slightly to the left indicating the Male is accessing the creative...
A guy finds his dog with the neighbor’s pet rabbit in its mouth. The rabbit is dead and the guy panics. He takes the dirty, chewed...
I’ve made a severe and continuous lapse of my judgment and I don’t expect to be forgiven I’m simply here to apologize. So what we came...
A Texan buys a round of drinks for all in the bar because, he announces, his wife has just produced a typical Texas baby boy weighing...
A teacher is going over farming tools with an inner-city class who’d never seen them. “Children, does anybody know what this is?” Little girl puts up...
My friend has trouble attracting women “Every time,” he says, “they always reject me!” “It’s okay,” I tell him, “Just find the type of person you...
No way man. It’s just it’s just ice cream. Furiously cleans mouth. …I just made this one up. Promise! Sunny day. Penguin driving down the road....
A restaurant manager is closing up for the night… …when he notices a man, disheveled and looking rather worse for wear, standing outside, tapping on the...
An older woman gets pulled over for speeding… Older Woman: Is there a problem, officer? Officer: Ma’am, you were speeding. Older Woman: Oh, I see. Officer:...
An estranged father take his teenage daughter on a vacation to reconnect with her after her mother passed away The two check into the resort hotel...