A naturalistic doctor opens up a wellness clinic He puts a sign outside that says ‘GET TREATMENT FOR $20 – IF NOT CURED, GET BACK $100.’...
A couple goes for a meal at a Chinese restaurant and orders the “Chicken Surprise.” The waiter brings the meal, served in a lidded cast-iron pot....
The guy examines the dog’s collar and feels his well-fed belly and knows the dog has a home. The dog follows him into the house, goes...
Bob, a 70-year-old, extremely wealthy widower, shows up at the Country Club with a breathtakingly beautiful and 25-year-old blonde-haired woman who knocks everyone’s socks off with...
I took out my wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked, “If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead of dinner?”...
A young doctor moved out to a small community to replace a doctor who was retiring. The older doctor suggested that the young one accompany him...
“How can I know the best way to act in life?” the disciple asked the master. The master asked him to build a table. The disciple...
He’s wearing a t-shirt with bright lettering, “Mexican’s have THREE problems.” Just a few moments later the Mexicans surround him and say, “Hey, you know what...
A salt seller used to carry the salt bag on his donkey to the market every day. On the way they had to cross a stream....
A customer walks into a restaurant and notices a large sign on the wall that says, “$500 if we fail to fill your order.” When his...
Three guys were at deer camp. They had to bunk two to a room. No one wanted to room with Steve because he snored so badly....
A farmer drove to a neighbor’s farmhouse and knocked at the door. A boy, about 9, opened the door. “Is your dad or mum home?” said...
One is a member of the Gestapo. One is an Imperial Japanese officer. And one is a Fascist Italian Commander. They are all sitting in their...
The emperor holds a competition to find the best Samurai in the world. So he sent his men around the world, and they came back with...
The pilot and co-pilot finally appear in the rear of the plane, and begin walking up to the cockpit through the center aisle. Both appear to...
The librarian handed the chicken a book and the bird left. Ten minutes later, the chicken returned, tossed the book on the desk and said: ‘book,...
Scottish couple wants their kids to visit on Christmas Eve. However, there are some methods that make things easier… A man in Scotland calls his son...
Four affluent fathers meet up for their yearly golf match with each other As fathers tend to do, they all start bragging about their children. The...
A Wild Boar was sharpening his tusks busily against the stump of a tree, when a Fox happened by. Now the Fox was always looking for...
The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push. “Not a chance,”...