If you think life is bad… How would you like to be an egg? You […]
Three guys, a Polish guy, a Jewish guy and an Italian guy sign up for […]
I used to make jokes at work during meetings, and I could really get people […]
One bright, beautiful Sunday morning, everyone in the tiny town of Johnstown got up early […]
A nun was walking in the convent when one of the priests noticed she was […]
Agency: Sir, we found 3 candidates as per your requirements. How do you want their […]
The Kosher bakeries motzah machine speed controlled drive system was down and the company was […]
A farmer purchases an old, run-down, abandoned farm with plans to turn it into a […]
A retired officer goes to a shop and asks the young shopkeeper, “Give me 742 […]
A man is hired by the circus to perform a necessary but rather unpleasant task. […]