Three ducks went to court after being arrested When the judge calls upon the first duck, he asks him, “what’s your name?” The duck responds, “Quack.”...
In a neighbourhood, there was a brothel closing down and selling or giving away furniture. Alongside the furniture was a parrot that was left behind, which...
I wanted to pick up a few more tennis balls before meeting my friend for game. The club house had a bin of slightly used balls...
A kangaroo at the zoo kept getting out of his enclosure every night. Knowing that mature kangaroos could hop very high, the zoo officials replaced the...
A guy is eating breakfast with his wife…. When he hears a knock at the door, he gets up and opens the door and sees two...
A Londoner meets a stereotypical American redneck The redneck tells him: “Why don’t y’all like guns? They’re completely safe! See, I have mine in my safe...
I saw a man sitting alone in the park one day… and I noticed how in his hand he held a one hundred dollar bill. Interesting,...
It’s the World Cup Final, and a man makes his way to his seat right next to the pitch. He sits down, noticing that the seat...
A German officer watches over his outpost during the Great War. He’s polishing his handgun when one of his soldiers below sounds the alarm. Down he...
A couple was walking down their street in Christmas Eve, enjoying the lights, when suddenly… …they feel a little precipitation. The man says, “I think it’s...