Three fathers are talking about their sons. The first father says, “my sons a successful doctor. He’s so rich, he just bought his best friend a...
A man is in a hotel lobby He wants to ask the clerk a question. As he turns to go to the front desk, he accidentally...
A first-grade teacher, Ms Brooks, was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, ‘Harry, what’s your problem?’ Harry answered, ‘I’m too smart for...
A man escapes a prison where he has been locked up for 15 years. He goes into a house and finds a young couple in bed....
A beautiful woman walks into a doctor’s office and the doctor is bowled off by how stunningly awesome she and his professionalism goes right through the...
There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone,except for her loving boyfriend. He’s always there for her. She...
A 91-year-old lady comes to the dentist’s office in North Dakota. She claimed it was an emergency, so the young doctor working in the clinic prepared...
After many years of bachelorhood, this older gent finds and marries a beautiful young lady. On their honeymoon night she slips into a sheer negligee and...
A boy who was a witness to a crime was called to testify in court. He was approached by the defense attorney who asked, “Did anyone...
One day, Emma came home and asked her mother, Sarah, to speak in private. They sat down in the kitchen, and Emma took a deep breath...