A deaf man enters a pharmacy to buy rubber pack and tries to explain what he wants with sign language. The pharmacist doesn’t understand anything so...
A woman goes into a toy shop to buy a tools. She sees one behind the counter and tells the salesman, “I want that one!” He...
The alcoholic came to the yoga school. Hi, I am an alcoholic. I’ve read in the magazine that yoga helps alcoholics to change their lives. I...
Thai woman marries American man but she cannot speak English and he almost cannot speak Thai. Somehow they make arrangement she will join English speaking class...
Mrs. Jennings began each vocabulary lesson by asking the students to use a word in a sentence. “Okay, class,” she announced, “who can use the word...
Frank came into work late one day and his boss was noticeably upset: “You’ve been late almost every day this month! You’re fired unless you give...
On the first day of first grade, Mrs. Smith asked her students to name their favourite letter. One young girl in front raised her hand and...
The teacher asked the students to identify an animal whose name starts with the letter “K”. Carl raised his hand and answered, “Kangaroo!” “Very well”, the...
A woman rushes to see her doctor, looking very much worried and all strung out. She rattles off, “Doctor, take a look at me. When I...
A mother took her daughter to the doctor and asked him to give her an examination to determine the cause of the daughter’s swollen abdomen. It...