A young female teacher was giving an assignment to her Grade 6 class one day. It was a large assignment so she started writing high up...
A girl is about to tie the knot, and is watching her mother bake biscuits in the kitchen. “Mom?” she asks. “How do you keep Dad...
A woman passed her daughter’s room n heard a strange buzzing noise. Opening the door, she saw her daughter with a vibrator. Shocked, she asked why??...
In a crowded city at a crowded bus stop, a stunningly beautiful young woman was waiting for the bus. She was decked out in a tight...
One Sunday morning George burst into the living room and said, “Dad! Mom! I have some great news for you! I am getting married to the...
Two old guys were sitting on a bus bench when a good looking young blonde with a short skirt got off. One old guy says to...
It was a little boy’s first day in school and a teacher was going to play a “guessing” game. She passed out different items to each...
Richard a village doctor was awakened at 4 a.m. to make a house call. He reluctantly got dressed and braved a snowstorm. After the examination, he...
One day an old lady went to the doctors because she had an itch in her crotch. She told the doctor her problem and he said,...
The following is supposedly a true story relating a situation that actually occurred during the war. During the Persian Gulf War, I was assigned to go...