A man in Scotland calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and says, “I hate to ruin your day but I have to...
A Trumpeter during a battle ventured too near the enemy and was captured by them. They were about to proceed to put him to death when...
They planned to stay at the very same hotel where they had spent their honeymoon 20 years earlier. Because of their hectic schedules, the husband flew...
On his first day on the job, the trainee dialed the kitchen and shouted into the phone: “Get me a cup of coffee, quickly!” The voice...
When he was staying at an air base in Africa, Author Saint-Exupery passed the hat among his friends because a Moroccan servant wanted to return to...
Two hunters from Moscow charter a small plane to fly them to Siberia to go bear hunting. On landing, the pilot says, “Remember, this plane can...
A dog ran into a butcher shop and grabbed a roast off the counter. Fortunately, the butcher recognized the dog as belonging to a neighbour of...
Jean was out walking with his grandfather in Paris. At one point, they saw a shoemaker being insulted by a customer who claimed that there was...
Doctor, the man said, “I don’t mind telling you, but I’m a little upset because my daughter has red hair. She can’t possibly be mine.” “Nonsense,”...
Taxiing down the tarmac, the jetliner abruptly stopped, turned around and returned to the gate. After an hour-long wait, it finally took off. A concerned passenger...
Three old men were sitting on a bench when a reporter approached them. “I wonder if you three would be willing to do an interview and...
When Bob found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a woman to enjoy it with....
A guy was limping, so his friend asked him what was wrong. He replied, “My foot bugs me sometimes. It’s just an old basketball injury.” His...
When in Mexico… well, I’ll leave that up to you after reading this story! A man from Texas is vacationing in Mexico, and spends his day...
Mike was driving home from a long business trip in Northern Arizona, when he saw an elderly Navajo man walking on the side of the road....
His daughter wanted to say a prayer before sleeping, so the father listened. “God bless mommy, God bless daddy, God bless Grandma, Good bye Grandpa” The...
David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot was fully grown with a bad attitude and worse vocabulary. Every other word was an obscenity. Those...
One evening, a family takes their frail, elderly mother to a nursing home. The next morning, the nurses bathe her, feed her a tasty breakfast, And...
During one of Bankei’s classes, a pupil was caught stealing. All the disciples demanded he be expelled, but Bankei did nothing. The following week, the pupil...
A woman was cutting her husband’s thinning hair, when their teenage son arrived home looking for a snack. She ofered a kiwifruit and tried to tempt...