Two friends went to interview for the same job. They were both in the waiting area when the first friend got called for his interview. The...
A young pastor was sitting in a restaurant eating lunch. He opened a letter he’d just received that morning from his Mom. As he opened it...
Two nuns were shopping in a food store and happened to be passing the beer and liquor section. One asks the other if she would like...
An Englishman and an Irishman go to a bakery. The Englishman steals three buns and puts them into his pockets and leaves. He says to the...
A man goes to a Doctor’s Office about his manhood. A man walks gingerly into the office where he is met by a nurse with whom...
Johnny and Susie were playing undressed, wondering why they have different “parts” When Johnny got home he asked his mother why he had a stick and...
One day a blind man goes to a restaurant. The server asked him if he’d like to see the menu. The blind man says: “no, I...