A merchant sent his son to learn the Secret of Happiness from the wisest of men. The young man wandered through the desert for forty days...
Near Tokyo lived a great Samurai, now old, who decided to teach Zen Buddhism to young people. One afternoon, a warrior – known for his complete...
There once was a farm with a big red barn And in that big red barn, there lived many animals, the smallest of which, was a...
Desmond, who was a real town dweller, drove his car into a ditch when out on the country roads Luckily, a local farmer came was passing...
An donkey was being driven along a road leading down the mountain side, when he suddenly took it into his silly head to choose his own...
A young man approached the foreman of a logging crew and asked for a job. “Let’s see you fell this tree first” said the foreman. The...
A group of monkeys decide to go on a fast one day. “Before we begin, I think we should keep the food with which we’ll break...
An older lady was doing some household chores on a beautiful Sunday morning, when she suddenly heard the doorbell ring. She opened the door to see...
Three guys die together in a tragic accident and they all go to heaven When they get there, Peter greets them and tells them, “We only...
A squirrel joined the service of the King of the Forest, the lion. He did whatever work was given him, quickly and well The lion became...