A little old lady was walking down the street dragging two large plastic garbage bags behind her. One of the bags was ripped and every once...
The teacher asked the class to use the word “fascinate” in a sentence. Molly put up her hand and said, “My family went to my granddad’s...
A city kid went to his grandpa’s farm for the weekend. He tagged along as Pa did what had to be done around the place, taking...
Little Johnny, 6 years old, gets home from school. He had his first family planning lesson at school. His mother, is very interested and she asks,...
A wife was in bed with her lover, When she heard her husband’s key in the door. “Stay where you are,” she said. “He’s so drunk...
A man is in a bar and falling off his stool every couple of minutes. He is obviously drunk. So the bartender says to another man...
The first-grade teacher was starting a new lesson on multi-syllable words, She thought it would be a good idea to ask a few of the children...
A woman went to a lawyer to discuss divorcing her husband. “Don’t you love him anymore,” asked the lawyer? “Oh, I still love him,” the woman...
A lady went to a doctor’s office, and was being examined by a doctor. A few minutes into the examination, screeching could be heard from the...
An old man goes to a restaurant and orders a chicken dish. By the time the food is ready and he is about to eat, the...